Wednesday, 25 March 2015

Still Here!

Yes, I'm still here but life definitely seems to be getting in the way of blogging. Things are set to change though as the tea room I run has been sold and so, from the end of June, I shall have more time on my hands (unless I get myself another job, which I suppose would be a good thing financially, but otherwise isn't something I'm overly keen on...)

One blog post I had in mind was a book review round-up; I love reading and I love to share what I've read but I know I'm not particularly good at writing reviews with my opinions usually stretching to 'it was good' or 'I didn't enjoy it very much'. So, rather than doing a review for each book I thought I would lump them all together in one post every now and again.

Here is the pile of books that need to be 'discussed', teetering away on the edge of my desk just waiting for the day when I have a few spare minutes to get to the computer and start blogging. The two at the bottom were actually read in 2014 and can be ignored, but those from Styx and Stones upwards have been read this year. Perhaps I'll do a 'First Quarter Review' post. Yes, that will be just perfect, especially if I can finish off the book I'm currently reading before the end of the month, giving me another tome to add to the list of books to review badly. Bet you can hardly wait!

1 comment:

  1. Sorry to hear your tea shop is being sold, but I hope it means you'll be blogging more, I've missed your blogs.


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