Sunday 27 December 2009

Baby + Work + Christmas + Stuff = No Blogging

Eek, I am such a bad blogger. I know there are literally thousands (in my dreams) of you out there in Blogland waiting with baited breath for the next installment from little old me, and here I am keeping you hanging on and hanging on. 'Tis true to say that blogging has slipped a little on my 'To do' list; what with having a small child to look after, working 21 hours a week, and doing the other 'stuff' that constitutes having a life (watching tv, cross-stitching, going on holiday, getting ready for Christmas) I seem to have little time/energy left for composing witty little postings for all my fans (snort.) BUT, my New Year's Resolution (never a good thing to have) is to be better at keeping in touch with people, and this blog is one way of doing that, so I will do my utmost to keep it more up-to-date. Starting now.

So, let me go back to where I left off with my last post and tell you a little about our first family holiday...

It's fair to say that this trip to New York was very different than any we've undertaken before; clearly having a small child limits what can be done and when, but it also opens up a whole new world of possibilities. For instance, without DC we would never have paid a five-hour long visit to the Pediatric ER of New York Presbyterian Hospital.Yes indeed, DC decided that the first time he was ever going to need medical attention (apart from the day he was born when a man with a pair of VERY large salad servers grabbed him by the head, but we don't need to dwell on that) was while we were on holiday. You don't need the details, especially if you are a gentleman, as a certain amount of leg-crossing might ensue, but suffice to say a certain part of DC was larger and redder that it ought to have been. Two triage nurses, three doctors and five hours later, a diagnosis of balinitus was reached; DC was dosed up with some antibiotics and we were issued with prescriptions for more antibiotics and a topical cream which we picked up the next day for the princely sum of $49 - let us never complain again at the NHS prescription charge of £7.60 (or whatever it is.)

DC also took us to meet Santa Claus, twice. Once in Bloomingdales and once in Macy's. He cried both times. Good thing Santa only makes an appearance once a year, giving us all a chance to recover. Hopefully Santa No. 1 (Bloomingdales) will find stronger glue for his beard next year.

Aside from catering to DC's every whim, we were able to go ice skating in Central Park (hubby)go to an ice hockey game at Madison Square Garden (hubby) take in a performance of The Nutcracker by the New York City Ballet (me; no photos inside unfortunately)do lots and lots of walking (both), lots and lots of shopping (both) and plenty of eating (all three.)Despite the fact it was a little chilly (only to be expected in December), and aside from the trip to ER (Clooney-less), we had a very enjoyable first family holiday. DC was also a complete star on the flight there and back, sleeping nearly the entire way. He also managed to charm the air hostesses, not to mention nearly everyone he met while in NYC; although my hopes that he might be snapped up by a modelling agency, thus necessitating a move (for all of us), to the Big Apple, were unfulfilled.

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