Wednesday 13 October 2010

A Whole Year

I don't want to be morbid and gloomy, but I also don't want it to look as if I don't care or haven't noticed the date. Today it's an entire year since Dad passed away. It's odd because rather than feeling that he's gone for good, it mostly feels to me as if I just haven't seen him for a while, as if he's still there, somewhere round the corner or at home and I'll see him at some point or chat to him, but just not at the moment.

Mostly what makes me sad about him not being here is that he won't get to see Arthur growing up, and Arthur won't know/remember his Grampy - he'll have to rely on us to tell him how Grampy would have a fit if he had to pay more than 50p for a cup of tea, how he'd ask me if I'd brushed my hair before I went out even when I was old enough to be living away from home, how he fussed and flapped over the smallest thing, and how his rewiring skills wouldn't pass muster these days.

1 comment:

  1. Awww hun..your little boy will have great memories from you of your girls always talk about my granny as if they knew her,sadly she died when i was 11 but i talk about her and what she taught me about baking,knitting,sewing..we have a picture of her on the mantel piece and they always say goodbye gran when they leave..infact my second daughter and my fifth daughter look remarkably like her..

    take care


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