Wednesday, 15 July 2009

The 'D' Word


Vilest word in the English language - D.I.E.T.

Hubby & I have decided to go on one. Well, since there are two of us I suppose we have decided to go on two, but let's not split hairs (much as I enjoy the splitting of hairs as a past time.)

I had the crazy idea that if I was to share this news with you, dear readers, then perhaps it would be more difficult to give up/succumb to temptation/scoff the entire contents of the treat cupboard in one go. There now, doesn't that give you some idea of what this household is like? We have a 'treat' cupboard. In actual fact it is merely one shelf within a cupboard, but it's a mighty big shelf and it's stocked to the gunnels with all manner of fine foods. Mostly the fine type that are covered in chocolate. Or whose main ingredients are sugar and fat. Can you spot the tub of choc mini rolls from M&S, the millionaire's shortbread from Waitrose, the Bonne Maman madeleines, the Vimto bonbons (urrrggghhh, they belong to hubby), the jar of white and milk choc spread, the box of maple syrup cookies from Canada, and the silver biscuit tin (inherited from my Gran and always known as 'tin biscuit' for some reason), which is currently home to Nice cream biscuits, jammy dodgers and homemade shortbread biscuits. And there are plenty more 'treats' hiding at the back.

Now, hubby & I have got ourselves into the situation of needing to embark on the D-word due to the fact that of an evening we have a habit of saying to each other 'Shall we have something from the treat cupboard?' We also have a habit of partaking in afternoon tea, and also having a dessert after dinner. And when we make a habit of indulging of all three habits in one day, well that's when the pounds are piled on, the buttons start straining and the wobbly bits are so large they need their own seat on public transport.

So, the deal is that we can only have one of these a day. It's either afternoon tea, or dessert or something from the treat cupboard in the evening. NOT ALL THREE, as has oft been the case.

We have a few events coming up which will act as marker posts along the dieting highway. On 1 August we are going to a wedding, on 10 October another wedding and on 30 October we're off on our hols. So the plan is to see how much we can lose for each of these occasions.
On Monday I weighed XXstone and 1lb (not going to let you in on what the XX stands for, although perhaps I should replace it with XL?!). Let's see what I weigh on the morning of 1 August, just 17 days away...


  1. oh but no - dearest Grandchildren - do not be starting diets before your weekend in Dorsetshire! I have prepared many home cooked things none of which will be under 5,000 calories - so desist till then...

  2. fear not, dearest GM, dieting must only occur within the confines of Berkshire; Dorsetshire is a different matter altogether, have heard tell that calories do not count when near the sea due to saline in air...

  3. Also the intake of the liquid variety in Dorsetshire is also exempt...


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