Saturday 14 August 2010

Bill's, The Sequel

Yesterday I made a return visit to Bill's, this time accompanied by DC to check out its child-friendliness. Ticks all round - super-friendly staff who picked the easiest table for me to get to with the pram and then set about rearranging furniture and fetching a highchair (makes a nice change not to have to lug one across a crowded restaurant myself.) They were also very good about the fact that DC was in a less-than-happy mood (although he still managed to turn on the charm where necessary) and instead of eating his lunch like a well-brought up little chap, decided to play the urchin and pull half-eaten penne and meatballs out of his mouth and deposit them on the floor, along with the lid of his tupperware pot and two forks. Many times. It was trying, to say the least. In between pandering to Little Lord Fauntleroy's every whim, I did manage to enjoy a mocha and an absolutely DELICIOUS chocolate brownie. And I took some more photos.
Note to self: next time we go, skip the main course and go straight to dessert. Back left = pavlova; centre = cheesecake; back right = chocolate delice. I'll have one of each, please.


  1. The Lewes branch is always full of yummy mummies avec children although I have to say I always ask to be seated as far away of any as possible....but it all adds to the rich mix.
    I can recommend the lemon tart and fruit Danish

  2. If I had the opportunity to sit as far away from my little darling as possible, I'd take it! In a previous life before children, I used to get very annoyed at going into places to find them choc-ful of the little blighters. Now I'm sort of immune; nearly.


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