Wednesday 25 August 2010

Festival Watch 2010

So, it's Wednesday and there are still many, many hours til the Festival actually starts but the hordes have been descending all day long, albeit in dribs and drabs rather than huge numbers. And the rain has been falling in a steady, at times heavy, fashion. The nasty, mean, grumpy old woman side of me thinks it serves them right for turning up so darn early.

Our next door neighbour and some Baptist chums have set up their annual "free squash and religion" stall in his front garden; even that annoyed me as they didn't set it up til Thursday last year and I don't want the hordes to be encouraged to linger near my boundary any longer than is strictly necessary. Grump, grump, grump.

Here are a few photos of the hordes making their soggy way towards the site:

View from Caversham Bridge as DC and I headed home from Rhymetime this aftenoon; can you see the tow path?

Here's a close up. Trudge, trudge. Plip, plop.Here's the Green Bus, disgorging its passengers from one of the off-site campsites about five miles up the hill. Those girls may live to regret the hotpants and wellie boots combo.More tomorrow. Bet you can hardly wait!

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