Wednesday 2 May 2012

The Pox

The pox hasn't prevented DC from running amok
Poor old DC came down with Chicken Pox over the weekend. The same weekend that we had visitors staying for three nights. The same weekend that it rained and rained and rained, like a scene from a Biblical epic. And we had no time to build an Ark.

Despite having approx 100 spots on his torso and face, DC seems none the worse for his little brush with the pox, and has been full of his usual energy. Unfortunately, this energy has had to be used up at home as he wasn't allowed to go to nursery. As a result, I'm flagging. Luckily he's allowed back to nursery tomorrow.

1 comment:

  1. Hope you're able to put your feet up a bit now he's back at nursery!The rain has been non stop here too, torrential again today!


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