Wednesday 17 October 2012

Front Garden Renovation. One Year (and a bit) On. 29.09.12

Just two shots of the front garden. This is how it looked a year ago. It was, in fact, incredibly tidy as hubby and our friend Mark had spent some time working on it. What I really need to find are some before shots, but I'm not sure I ever took any :(
Now. Beautiful sunny autumn day and the front garden looks quite neat.
Then: front garden looking across to the school field in the background.

Now. Couldn't quite take it from the same angle as our car was parked in the way. Nice shot of the bin which I was in the middle of putting out (bin day on Monday) with DC's teddy, George, sitting on top (fear not, George wasn't being thrown away, but DC had decided it was a nice place for him to sit.)
As you can see, the shrubs at the front have taken over somewhat. Our front garden is 'that' garden on the street. Time to sharpen those secateurs.

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