Saturday, 29 August 2009
Name of the Day
Inglis-Jones. On 12th August 2009, to Arabella (Madam Kincaid of Kincaid, nee Lennox) and Giles, a daughter Kalula Charis Hope, a sister for Angus, Jessie, Isabella and Dominic.'
Firstly: 'Madam Kincaid of Kincaid'? What is that? 'Madam' always brings to mind brothels.
Secondly: Kalula? Do they mean Kahlua? Is that what Madam has been drinking?
Friday, 28 August 2009
Festivalwatch III
Thursday, 27 August 2009
Festivalwatch II, and a visit to the Cotswolds
DC loves a good book, but in this instance he put up with what his Daddy was reading. Didn't taste quite as good as his own books.
Wednesday, 26 August 2009
This weekend is the Reading Festival, a three-day event featuring loud music and attended by many thousands of people (mostly of the young variety.) We (by 'we' I mean DC & I since International Businessman has very cleverly arranged to be in The Land of Toberlerones while this is happening) have the dubious pleasure of living on the main route, both pedestrian and vehicular, to the festival site. Thus, upwards of 80,000 people will walk, stagger, ride, drive or be driven past our very front door over the next few days, including the festival-goers, the bands, the press, the stallholders, the touts, and anyone else who either likes music, performs music or can make a fast buck out of music.
This is the usual scene from our bedroom window (quite a panorama, eh?!)
Usual scene, but with addition of direction sign for Festival
Although the bands don't start performing until Friday, already we have witnessed the arrival of a fair few festival-goers, and the accompanying bandwagon that goes with them. Thus, our next door neighbour has set up a stall in his front garden and, along with some young pups from his church, has been giving out free non-alcoholic drinks - tea, coffee, squash - perhaps accompanied by a sermon on the evils of drink, drugs, and rock'n'roll.
A pikey fence builder then pulled up in the parking bay outside the house and attempted to sell firewood to the masses. Unfortunately for him, the undercover Council officers were out on the prowl and he was soon moved along.
And, of course, there are the ubiquitous touts, standing out like enormous sore thumbs, casually muttering 'Tickets, buy or sell' to anyone who passes by. Didn't get a snap of them, but there's plenty of time for that.
I'm mostly enjoying todays antics as I have been watching them from the comfort of my cosy home while outside it is raining. What other kind of weather would you expect for a Festival?
Monday, 24 August 2009
Name of the Day
"Zavodna-Reekie-Black. On 29th July 2009, to Magda and Matthew, a first born son, Eduard Charles, Deo Gratis"
Assume 'Deo Gratis' is not part of Eduard's nomenclature, along with his triple-barrelled-surname and vaguely mis-spelled first name.
Am sad that hubby & I didn't think of announcing the arrival of DC in The Times, something along the lines of
"Wilkinson. On 20th March 2009, to Wifey and Hubby, a first born son, 17 days late, very wrinkled in appearance, somewhat pretentiously given three first names in vain attempt at social ladder-climbing."
Saturday, 22 August 2009
What's in a Name?
Let me give you the background. My job involves reading and indexing the Business section of The Times newspaper. Yawnsville, I know, but my knowledge of quantitative easing is second to none and I bet there's not many people can say that. At the end of the business news comes the Register where you will find the Hatch, Match & Dispatch column, more properly known as Births, Deaths & Marriages. This morning as I was indexing the August 4th edition, my eye came to rest on the Births column, and after a few small smiles at such names as:
Francesca Clementine Aurelia, a sister for Maximilian
Gracie Blue, a cousin for Coco
Jonathan Tiger
I must admit I guffawed at the following - this is the announcement in its entirety:
"Whipple On 4th July 2009, to Deborah (nee Lonsdale) and Richard, a daughter, Miranda Zara Susannah, a sister for Edward and Araminta"
Araminta Whipple.
I was so absolutely taken by this name that I decided to Google it, and it would appear that I'm not the only one. If you are of a kindly nature, you probably won't want to look at
Having noticed that this blog hasn't been updated for a year, I might take up where it left off and update you with any choice little morsels I pick up from The Times.
Friday, 21 August 2009
Kitchen Update
3rd August
Lots of units in, plus worktops, but no sink (for a week.) Sinks are for wimps.
18th August
The decorating begins with the most boring bit - preparation; that's why we get someone else in to do the decorating for us. Plus it means it gets done properly and with no arguments.
Thursday, 20 August 2009
Friday, 14 August 2009
Food, Glorious Food!
DC has also learnt how to roll over. He can just about manage 175degrees or so and then a pesky arm gets in the way. Every now and then he works out how to move his arm, and can get flat on his tummy. This is all very lovely, except that he tends to like to practice this when we put him in his cot at bedtime. So, there he is lying on his back and we toddle downstairs all set for a quiet evening and then, a little while later, there's a plaintive cry from upstairs and we have to go and rescue a small child who has got himself stuck not quite on his tummy.
Tuesday, 11 August 2009
A Happy Washing Line
Who knew that having a baby had such advantages?!
Sunday, 9 August 2009
Growing Up Fast
DC's first grown-up outing was to the local cafe-bar for Sunday brunch. Well, DC had a bottle of milk while hubby & I indulged in a bacon butty and lounge breakfast respectively. And then the boys read the Sports section while I enjoyed my latte.
Thursday, 6 August 2009
Sink or swim
Last Saturday, the Family W attended a wedding in Henley-dahling, at the rather fancy Phyllis Court, no less. Unfortunately the weather wasn't playing ball, but that didn't dampen the spirit
Kitchen News
When we left to go to the wedding on Saturday morning the kitchen looked like this:
Less than 36 hours later it looked like this:
Then on Wednesday our new carpet will finally be fitted (not in the kitchen, I hasten to add. Carpets and kitchens don't mix, do they?), which means that apart from just a tiny little bit more decorating (paint in the kitchen, wallpaper in the bedroom replacing the current upside-down stuff, and wallpaper in the living room) we will be finished, hopefully, and it will finally feel like we can relax and actually start living here.
D.I.E.T. news
So, the plan was to lose some weight in time for the wedding last Saturday. Well, yes, that was the plan. But as Robert Burns wrote: 'The best laid schemes o' mice an' men / Gang aft agley'. Very succintly put, Robbie. And so it happened that I managed to lose the grand total of minus 4lbs. And we all know that two negatives make a positive, so I leave you to work out what actually happened...