Friday, 21 August 2009

Kitchen Update

All the units are in, the painting is done, the tiles are up, we even have a sink! All that's left is to move the dresser in and get down to some serious titivating and tweaking. Once we've done that, I'll post even more photos. Bet you can hardly wait...

Here's what has happened in our kitchen over the last few weeks:

21st July
Orange pine-tastic!
Finding it hard to believe just how truly horrendous it looked, although admittedly since we knew it was about to be ripped out, we didn't exactly worry about the 'Life of Grime' look that we had going on.
25th July
Health and safety alert - small child in middle of demolition zone. What kind of parent would allow such a thing?
1st August
First units in

3rd August
Lots of units in, plus worktops, but no sink (for a week.) Sinks are for wimps.

18th August

The decorating begins with the most boring bit - preparation; that's why we get someone else in to do the decorating for us. Plus it means it gets done properly and with no arguments.

20th August
Second coat of paint on walls and ceiling; woodwork undercoated; some tiles affixed

21st August



  1. What a transformation!
    I agree about getting in a decorator in....

  2. Please ignore one of the 'in's

  3. well, I can't see what was wrong with it before - rather gorgeous, I thought.
    But seriously, it looks rather smashing now - what colourway are we using on the wall? (F&B I hope)

  4. oh dear, not F&B I'm afraid but Fired Earth (does have a quote from Sir Kevin of GrandDesigns on the tin so must be ok.) Colour = Pale Verdrigris; same as in main bedroom and quite possibly will also be used in living room due to lack of imagination.

  5. oh, well, the fabulous Fired Earth is possibly even more classy! If Sir Kevin GrandDesigns endorses it then it surely is serious paint


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