Thursday 20 August 2009


Here's a taster of some of the goodies hubby has dragged home from his allotment in the last couple of weeks.

Suggestions for courgette recipes gratefully received. We have so far enjoyed courgette cake (yum!) and courgette curry (also yum, but not as yum as the cake.)

What luck DC is (very slowly) learning to eat. Pureed courgette, little man?


  1. Oooh what a haul!
    I've got a recipe for courgette and chees scones. Must give it a try becasue we've going to lose the children under the mound of marrows in our kitchen.

    Thanks for popping by - and its never to early for Christmas I think, although I've learned not to shout about it or the family want to commit me. So Christmas is a special dream I have from about July - just don't tell anyone!


  2. Sorry but I am mesmerized by your rhubarb….
    Delia has a courgette and tomato recipe which I like as it goes in the oven-

  3. I'm thinking perhaps a courgette sculpture park might be the way to go - Courgette of the North? GM x


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